Couples Retreat (2009)

Couples Retreat (2009)

Couples Retreat is the latest comedic debacle for the once-funny Vince Vaughn, and at this point we’re a bit beyond worried. By my count, Vaughn hasn’t made a funny, or even particularly good (with the exception of his brief appearance in 2007’s Into the Wild), movie since 2005’s Wedding Crashers.… Continue reading

Watchmen (2009)

Watchmen (2009)

Watchmen arrives to theaters with much fanfare, which is to be expected since a big-screen adaptation of Alan Moore’s mid-80’s source material has been in development basically since the source material was released. Director Zack Snyder and screenwriters David Hayter and Alex Tse have braved the unenviable task of translating… Continue reading

27 Dresses (2008)

27 Dresses (2008)

27 Dresses is about as standard of romantic comedy fare as you can get, but some very likable and funny performances push it into recommendation territory. Best of all, it doesn’t resort to poorly-executed slapstick (okay, it does a little) or preachy anti-male tirades for laughs. Sure it’s predictable, but… Continue reading

The Heartbreak Kid (2007)

The Heartbreak Kid (2007)

Something has happened to the Farrelly Brothers since 2005’s Fever Pitch, and that something is named Judd Apatow. While the Farrelly’s laid the groundwork for the contemporary raunch-fest with a heart, Apatow has brought it full circle with the likes of The 40 Year Old Virgin and Knocked Up. The… Continue reading