Get Smart (2008)

Get Smart (2008)

Get Smart is the latest in the endless chain of sitcoms, regardless of quality, getting the big screen treatment by Hollywood. I fondly remember watching the show on TV as a kid and being amused by the slapstick humor and sheer stupidity of Maxwell Smart, played to perfection by Don… Continue reading

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)

It seems like we’ve all been uttering the question “is this really necessary?” a lot lately with film, especially in terms of sequels. I freely admit this was my first response to the news that Director Steven Spielberg and Harrison Ford would be collaborating for another Indiana Jones adventure –… Continue reading

Speed Racer (2008)

Speed Racer (2008)

I take back everything I ever said about 1998’s Armageddon being the epitome of sensory overload. The Wachowski Brothers’ Speed Racer is certainly an ambitious visual project, but aside from that it is a misfire without much of an audience (it seems to be aiming squarely for the pre-teen, sugared-up… Continue reading

Iron Man (2008)

Iron Man (2008)

At long last, a comic book adaptation that doesn’t reek of smugness. This is admittedly not my favorite genre, and that’s due in large part to not only the quantity and sheer mediocrity of its entrants, but also a self-seriousness that, in my view, can only be laughed at. Batman… Continue reading

Street Kings (2008)

Street Kings (2008)

It’s going to take a mound of evidence to convince me that Street Kings isn’t a parody. The film is entertaining, yes, but that often comes with police dramas laced with over-the-top tough-guy dialogue, brute violence, and a penchant for implausible plot twists. We know that director David Ayer and… Continue reading

Vantage Point (2008)

Vantage Point (2008)

Vantage Point is, unapologetically, a gimmick movie, and on that level it works. It’s refreshing to see a film based around politics that isn’t preachy, doesn’t have an agenda, and instead just goes for straight-up frenetic action. That’s not to say it doesn’t become maddening repetitive at times (only about… Continue reading