Lone Survivor (2013)

Lone Survivor (2013)

The opening sequence of Lone Survivor, utilizing real and raw footage of the agony and determination it takes to become a Navy SEAL, is great stuff. Had the rest of the film been built with this focus and care, Lone Survivor could have been really special. Instead it’s a pretty… Continue reading

Speed Racer (2008)

Speed Racer (2008)

I take back everything I ever said about 1998’s Armageddon being the epitome of sensory overload. The Wachowski Brothers’ Speed Racer is certainly an ambitious visual project, but aside from that it is a misfire without much of an audience (it seems to be aiming squarely for the pre-teen, sugared-up… Continue reading

The Girl Next Door (2004)

The Girl Next Door (2004)

High school sucked. I’m rarely shy about that opinion, and The Girl Next Door gives a pretty good visual interpretation of why high school is a rough time for many. Moronic athletes, feeling left out, and never, ever, winning over the pretty girl. The film is surprisingly good, perhaps because… Continue reading