Madagascar (2005)

Madagascar (2005)

The animation wars press on. The digital age has brought us some breathtaking and original films since Toy Story hit the scene in 1995, and virtually every year since we have been continually treated to digital theatrical wizardry that boggles the mind. Pixar used to own the market, but in… Continue reading

Bride and Prejudice (2005)

Bride and Prejudice (2005)

Seeing Bollywood-inspired films make their way into American theaters is a refreshing thing. I was relatively unfamiliar with Bollywood until I saw Edward Jordon and Donald Farmer’s highly enjoyable Bollywood and Vine. Bollywood is a region in India that produces about three times the quantity of cinema product that Hollywood… Continue reading

The Jacket (2005)

The Jacket (2005)

The Jacket is a terrific exercise in energy, storytelling, and exploring the supernatural. For those viewers who are patient, there is nary a dull moment in this puzzler that successfully meshes elements from all different genres. The outcome is a visceral aural experience coupled with a premise and denouement that… Continue reading