Sex and the City 2 (2010)

Sex and the City 2 (2010)

Looking back at the archives from my review of 2008’s Sex and the City film, I came across this sentence: “the fact of the matter is that this review doesn’t matter.” Not exactly a ringing endorsement for my writing, but it’s still how I feel about this series. I bent… Continue reading

Sex and the City (2008)

Sex and the City (2008)

I knew the Sex and the City screening was going to be some kind of surreal experience. Here I am, a 26-year-old straight male – the last demographic on the planet for this material – and I’m supposed to sit through two hours of girly girl tripe. Granted, Sex and… Continue reading

Smart People (2008)

Smart People (2008)

I realize the divorce rate is 50% here in the States, but does that mean that nearly every Indie flick has to be about dysfunctional families? I’ve had about enough of these sad sack snobs – and as a film critic I’m supposed to be one! Smart People, whose title… Continue reading