The Dilemma (2011)

The Dilemma (2011)

Films where one line of dialogue can solve every narrative problem are always an uphill climb. We, the audience, know the solution early on, but we’re stuck watching tongue-tied actors pratfall their way through a script that depends upon that key line of dialogue to not be spoken. Otherwise we… Continue reading

I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry (2007)

I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry (2007)

I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry is the kind of comedy that tries to toe two lines and stumbles on both. It spends its first half gleefully mocking homosexuals and everything about them, then does an about-face and turns into a tolerance sermon as the two main characters slowly… Continue reading

Monster House (2006)

Monster House (2006)

Now we’re getting somewhere. Monster House plays like a living, breathing entity: it’s loaded with humor, spirit, scares, and even has an oddly touching side. This is full-fledged get-lost-in-the-story material and it’s easy to do so since nearly everyone grew up with that scary-looking house in the neighborhood that seemingly… Continue reading