Balls of Fury (2007)

Balls of Fury (2007)

The title Balls of Fury opens the door for a cavalcade of obvious jokes, and one should definitely process that before entering the theater to catch this comedy. It’s yet another that capitalizes on games that few of us would even consider sports, and it continues this summer’s unlikely run… Continue reading

Man of the Year (2006)

Man of the Year (2006)

Not since The Break-Up has a film been so mis-marketed. One would assume, after viewing the trailers and TV spots, that Man of the Year is an edgy political satire examining just what would happen if a late night comedian got elected President of the United States. One would be… Continue reading

Click (2006)

Click (2006)

The Hollywood mis-marketing machine strikes again! Touted as a signature Adam Sandler comedy in the trailers, Click is actually a heavy-handed drama that uses up its comedy points in the first thirty minutes. Those going in expecting Happy Gilmore Gets A Remote will be gravely disappointed. That’s not to say… Continue reading

Domino (2005)

Domino (2005)

I had this horrible dream the night after I watched Domino. The Earth was being taken out War of the Worlds-style, complete with tripods shooting lasers, turning people and buildings into dust. After the demolition was complete, one of the pesky extraterrestrials descended into the last film vault left to… Continue reading

Wedding Crashers (2005)

Wedding Crashers (2005)

This summer has been unusually humor-free, which is probably why the arrival of Wedding Crashers seems like a breath of fresh air. After being bombed, zapped, and gutted for the past few months, I have a sneaking suspicion that Wedding Crashers will deliver some much-needed mid-summer shenanigans for most moviegoers.… Continue reading