In case you were wondering how long it takes the Department of Homeland Security to respond to suspected movie piracy using a new gadget, the answer is not long.
A man wearing a Google Glass device was questioned for 3.5 hours by the Feds on Saturday, January 18 after a screening of Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit at one of my favorite local theaters, the AMC 30 Easton in Columbus, Ohio. They determined he was not recording the film.
Aside from the obvious jokes to be made about anyone wearing a Google Glass (still waiting for the first person who looks remotely cool wearing one), it’s pretty crazy that in the span of a film’s run time a person can be ID’d by management as a suspected pirate, have the cavalry called, and be questioned. I suppose it did expedite the process in that a rep from the MPAA was conveniently on site.
Check out the source article below for the man’s own version of the story. It sounds a whole hell of a lot like the film he was watching.
Source: The Gadgeteer